Corridor Concepts

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Virginia Street

Existing conditions



I-80 Ramps


Reno Arch


South of Liberty Street

Existing Traffic Volumes (NDOT TRINA Database)


I-80 Ramps


Reno Arch


South of Liberty Street

2050 Forecasted Volumes (RTC Travel Demand Model)


Primary Emergency Vehicle Route*

Existing RTC Transit Route

*Emergency Vehicle Routes are prevented from including vertical traffic calming elements such as speed bumps, speed humps, speed tables, etc.



Total Corridor Crashes (2016 - 2020)



8th St


Maple St


9th St, 7th St, 6th St


Crashes are concentrated between 6th and 9th Streets

Proposed concept

This project concept builds off of recent concepts developed through the Downtown Circulation Study and Virginia Street Downtown Placemaking Study aimed at improving safety for all users, enhancing connectivity, and bolstering the unique sense of place in downtown Reno.

This concept incorporates street furniture and placemaking elements but is focused on the changes to the roadway and transportation network. The concept focuses on enhancing the current parking protected bike lanes south of 1st Street and applying similar treatments throughout the corridor as possible. Between Liberty Street and 1st Street, the concept will formalize the existing buffer between parked vehicles and the bike lane with concrete curbing and improved crossing treatments at the intersections. Between 1st Street and 6th Street, the project concept will construct a buffered bike lane with removable bollards and remove the center median & turn lanes at most intersections in this portion; removable bollards will allow for this portion of the corridor to continue to accommodate special events with vendor booths. This concept will also create a pedestrian refuge between Commercial Row and 3rd Street in order to reduce crossing distances, improve crossings, integrate with the planned 3rd Street facility, and provide a safer alternative for tourists to capture photos with the Reno Arch. Between 6th and 7th the concept includes potential options for adding parking or accommodating enhancing transit service with floating bus stops. In order to improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists traveling through the northern portion of the corridor, this concept includes a concrete buffer between the bike lane and travel lane from 6th Street to 8th Street. In order to achieve the enhanced connection over I-80, the concept includes the removal of one vehicle travel lane on Virginia Street in both directions between 5th Street and 8th Street.


Liberty St. to 1st St.

Curb-Protected Bike Lane

1st St. to 6th St.

Buffered Bike Lane

5th St. to 9th St.

Curb-Protected Bike Lane

Included Conceptual Intersection Enhancements
  • Protected Intersections
  • Reduced Corner Radii
  • High Visibility Crosswalks
  • Pedestrian Refuges
  • Reduced Crossing Distances


  • Enhanced connectivity between UNR, Downtown, Midtown
  • Reduced vehicle speeds through Virginia Street
  • Enhanced pedestrian crossings
  • Improved safety for all users
  • Bolstered placemaking elements
  • Refinements to existing pilot design (1st Street to Liberty Street)
  • Better photo opportunities with the Reno Arch



Reduces travel lanes between 8th Street and 5th Street. Removes turn lanes between 4th Street and 1st Street and from Mill Street to Ryland Street. Provides minimum lane widths between 5th Street and 4th Street


Adjusted loading zone spaces to short-term metered parking

Potential additional parking between 6th Street and 7th Street


Bike lane closed during special events. Minimum lane widths for bike lane may result in handle-bar strikes and increase potential for sidewalk riding between 1st and 4th.


SECTION 1 - Virginia Street

LOCATION: Liberty St to State St
Section 1 - Virginia Street (Existing)
Section 1 - Virginia Street (Proposed)

SECTION 2 - Virginia Street

LOCATION: State St to 1st St
Section 2 - Virginia Street (Existing)
Section 2 - Virginia Street (Proposed)

SECTION 3 - Virginia Street

LOCATION: 1st St to 6th St
Section 3 - Virginia Street (Existing)
Section 3 - Virginia Street (Proposed)

SECTION 4 - Virginia Street

LOCATION: Locomotion Plaza
Section 4 - Virginia Street (Existing)
Section 4 - Virginia Street (Proposed)

SECTION 5 - Virginia Street

LOCATION: 6th St to Maple St
Section 5 - Virginia Street (Existing)
Section 5 - Virginia Street (Proposed)

SECTION 6 - Virginia Street

LOCATION: Maple St to 8th St
Section 6 - Virginia Street (Existing)
Section 6 - Virginia Street (Proposed)
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